
A gentle post natal stretch for back ache Jul 18, 2024

Hello, sorry for the radio silence on the blog. I've been a little busy with Darcy, she's now 2 months and I'm just beginning the post natal plan


I have been stuggling with some fairly severe upper body muscle ache. If you are also struggling with aches and pains due to strange...

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Hello Darcy - The Birth Story of My Third Baby Jun 10, 2024

I had been warned that third babies can often be quite unpredictable when it comes to labour and that it can be quite stop and start. This was exactly the case for me. I had been having contractions and cramps on and off for just over two weeks so I was pretty exhausted and fed up by the time I...

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I am bang on 39 weeks pregnant now and boy am I feeling it. I was totally full on energy until two weeks ago and all of a sudden I feel slow, I feel heavy and just very very pregnant. 


It’s a funny stage this last few weeks of pregnancy isn’t it? It’s a real...

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Using a Birthing Ball in Pregnancy and Labour Apr 26, 2024

Pregnancy is a beautiful journey filled with anticipation, excitement, and sometimes, a fair share of discomfort. Amidst the various tools and techniques available to pregnant mums, the birthing ball stands out as your best friend, particularly towards the end of your pregnancy. Not just a piece...

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What to pack in a hospital bag for birth? Apr 24, 2024

The first time I packed my hospital bag it was like I was going on a two week holiday. I wheeled a huge suitcase into the labour ward I am sure it was a tell tale sign that I was a first timer. The third time around I have a much better idea of what I'm likely to actually need.



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A C-Section Story and Top Tips for Recovery Apr 10, 2024

Throughout April it's International Caesarean Awareness Month and for anyone who may be having a c-section in the the coming weeks - we wanted to provide you with a wonderful story and some helpful tips.

While C-sections are common and medically necessary in many cases, they come with a unique...

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Sleep Advice for your Newborn Baby Mar 22, 2024

As a mum of three children and a professional sleep coach who helps families worldwide to get better sleep, Lucy Ferber from Tiny Sleepy People knows first hand how debilitating sleep deprivation can be and if you are brand new to parenting the first six weeks can feel very daunting when the...

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The Ultimate Guide to Travelling Safely and Comfortably While Pregnant Mar 19, 2024


There is something special about going on holiday when pregnant, it’s a chance to relax and recharge but also time to mentally prepare for how your life is going to change and hopefully get as excited as possible. I hope that some of these tips will help you to have a stress free...

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Safe Weight Training for Pregnancy: A Comprehensive Guide Mar 11, 2024


Embarking on a safe and effective weight training routine during pregnancy can contribute to a healthier and more comfortable journey to motherhood. Whether you are lifting weights as part of your pregnancy fitness at home or in the gym, this guide will provide you with some valuable...

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Embracing the Journey: Navigating the Changes in Your Body During the 3rd Trimester Feb 21, 2024

As you enter the final stretch of your pregnancy, the 3rd trimester brings a myriad of changes to your body. While the anticipation of meeting your little one grows, so does the list of physical transformations. In this blog post, we'll explore the various changes you may experience during the...

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A Guide to Overcoming Exercise Challenges During Pregnancy and Post-Natal Period Feb 15, 2024


Embarking on the journey of motherhood brings about numerous changes, both physically and emotionally. For many women, finding the time and motivation to exercise during pregnancy and the post-natal period can be a daunting task, with various barriers standing in the way. In this blog...

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Activewear for Pregnant and Post Natal Women Feb 12, 2024

We all know how important it is to stay active throughout our pregnancy, but what happens when our bodies change and our bumps grow, what do we wear? I think this is one of the most commonly asked questions I get asked and now I have been through it twice I feel I can make some great...

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