Join the Pregnancy Plan for safe, fun, adaptable workouts that support you throughout your pregnancy journey.
From the first 12 weeks through to the final push, we are here to hold your hand through this incredible time. Whilst you are busy growing your baby, your body is undergoing huge changes. Following our pregnancy plan will ensure you stay fit, strong and mobile throughout, supporting your body as it grows, empowering you for birth and preparing you for an active recovery.
Embark on a transformative pregnancy fitness journey with Charlie and her team of pre-natal experts - everything you need in one follow along week-by-week plan.

The pregnancy plan has been approved by a registered women's health physiotherapist and is trusted and recommended by doctors and midwifes throughout the UK.

Maintaining strength and fitness throughout your pregnancy prevents pain, keeps you mentally strong, reduces risks and prepares your body for birth and speedy recovery.

With minimal equipment, no previous experience required, and videos that can be played on any device, paused and repeated anytime, anywhere, it couldn't be easier to start.
What classes are included in the plan?
Our week by week, follow along classes are led by the very best pregnancy experts in their field. There's plenty of variation and something to suit everybody, no matter your stage of pregnancy or level of fitness.

Follow Charlie at exactly the same stage of pregnancy with her 20-30 minute workouts to support your body and prepare you for birth and motherhood.

Get your heart rate up and stay fit in a safe way with 20-30 minute endorphin-releasing feel good classes that challenge and adapt to every fitness level.

Amanda Calland, our pregnancy trainer provides the very best 30 minute classes to support and challenge the key areas of your body under most stress with pregnancy.

Whether you are new to yoga or an expert yogi, Stacey Epstein's 30 minute pregnancy classes are mentally and physically restorative for your changing body.

Pelvic Health
Trimester specific classes with Clare Bourne - Physiotherapist to support and guide you through specific women's health and pelvic floor related issues.

Pregnancy Nutrition
Claire Hitchin - Registered Nutritionist and pregnancy specialist advises on changing nutrition needs throughout your pregnancy.

Charlie guides you through 10 minute stretch sequences focusing on specific areas that need extra attention as your body changes from week to week.

Charlie's on hand to answer all of your questions with handy advice videos, and you have access to advice from our members in our in-app community area.
Mirror Charlie, who is at exactly the same week of pregnancy as you in the classes.
The first trimester eases you in with a wide variety of classes to get your started on your pregnancy fitness journey. From week 13 - 38, Charlie leads strength and cardio classes at exactly the same week of pregnancy as you. You are safe in the knowledge that each class is perfectly safe for your stage of pregnancy whilst addressing the key issues that may arise during this particular time.
First Trimester
Up to 12 weeks
Second Trimester
Weeks 13-27
Third Trimester
Weeks 28-38
Final Push
Weeks 36-42
Frequently Asked Questions
I'm not that fit, will the plan be OK for me?
What equipment do I need?
How long are the classes
How does the subscription work?
How can I view the classes
I'm in my third trimester, is it too late to start.
Have you got a question about the pregnancy plan?
We love to hear from you and are here to help you make the right choice when choosing your plan. Get in touch with your questions and we'll be back to you as quickly as we can.

Just because you're pregnant, it doesn't mean that you have to stop doing the things you love.
If lifting weights in the gym is more your thing, I'm here to let you know you don't need to stop. It's safe and beneficial to strength train through pregnancy and my latest pregnancy gym guide provides the advice and workouts that will see you safely through every trimester in the gym.